Pilates is a body conditioning system like no other. Created by Joseph Pilates (1880-1967) It focuses on building core abdominals, restoring natural posture, alleviating pain reducing tension, developing strength for the whole body without building bulk, increasing flexibility and endurance in the tradition of Mr. Pilates New York City Studio. For the general public and athletes alike Pilates can be your primary mode of body conditioning and injury prevention. This System of exercise will have you looking toned, feeling revitalized and moving with ease. Pilates on the apparatus is an authentic workout emphasis is on stretch, strength, energy and muscle control and the best core stabilizing system today.  Sign up below for a session of Pilates in Richmond with Sabrina.

Pilates works because of 8 basic principles:  Flowing Movement, Precision, Centering, Concentration, Breathing, Routine, Control and Isolation.

“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, In 20 sessions you’ll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body.”

– Joe Pilates

somatic practices

Become an Instructor

A true education in Pilates gives the teacher all the tools needed to enable him or her to understand and communicate the principals Joe himself taught—building a strong powerhouse (core), strength and flexibility, as well as ease of movement regardless of level. Sabrina mentored and taught many instructors throughout New England, New York, Georgia and Florida. She is now looking for some enthusiastic people to mentor in the great State of Virginia.

Ms. Vaz works on a one on one basis with candidates for approximately 150 hours of teaching Pilates in order for them to develop the skills that are critical in learning to teach the over 500 exercises in the Pilates program. This allows for complete exposure to the Pilates mat work and all Pilates apparatus. In addition as an apprentice you will learn how to work with a wide variety of clientele.

  • I wanted to give a huge shout out to Sabrina! I’ve been coming to the studio for about a month and really enjoying all the classes I’ve taken. However, last night, I could really feel a difference in the workout I was getting. Sabrina is SUCH a great motivator, she really knows how to make you feel confident during the class (even while she’s giving tips on how to improve form). It’s clear that she knows what she’s doing but also that she wants that passion to be had by everyone in her classes and shares that by bringing energy, upbeat workouts, knowledge and trust to each of her participants. Needless to say, I just finished my run this morning and think I need an ice bath for my legs + arms from the Suspend class last night, haha! Hurts SO good! Thanks!!–- Emily D

Contact Sabrina to Signup for a Pilates Class Today!
