You cannot live a powerful life with a negative mind.  When we hold on to frightening sensations we continue to feel fear. The same is true for anxiety, stress and trauma. We must release these emotions from our mind allowing them to move through the body and resolve or release.

Integrative Somatic Practices may include breathwork, meditation, visualization, holding space, sound healing, tapping, somatic touch, reiki, crystal healing, dance, art, journaling, Thai bodywork, self-massage and many other tools and techniques.

Integrative Somatic Practices

Our body is always speaking to us. It is our job to listen, to respond to what we hear and to honor the feedback our physical body gives us. In a Somatic Practices session with Sabrina Vaz, CSP you will enter a safe and informed practice that will allow you to discover, assess and react to the bodies dialogue.  Emotional distress often creates physical symptoms and vice versa. The work done in an Integrative Somatic session with Sabrina will effectively deal with stress, anxiety, depression and trauma that could possibly be at the root of what the physical body is experiencing. Through an array of tools and techniques that will be presented you will learn to break free from stuck patterns and pathways that hold old emotions and traumas.

Somatic Practitioner Client Agreement and Release

somatic practices
somatic practices

Through a Somatic Practice with Sabrina

  1. You will deepen your connection to self.
  2. You will learn to release stored tension, stress and trauma
  3. You will discover ways to benefit your brain, immune system and overall health and wellbeing.
  4. You will understand how to listen to your bodies feedback.
  5. You will gain tools to support your mental and emotional well-being.
  6. You will engage in a healing self-care practice that will serve your mind, body spirit and heart.

New Client Somatic Session with Sabrina Vaz will help you find the clarity you need to begin a healing journey:

Included are initial consultation, Somatic Intake and Assessment, discuss your personalized action plan, treatment and follow up.

Contact Sabrina to Signup for Integrative Somatic Practices Today!


somatic practices