Author Archive

The Original Planksta

The history of the plank exercise

Most likely you did your first plank in a gym class either out on the schoolyard or in the gymnasium. Eventually you may have done it at the gym or in a group exercise class. If you have not performed one of the many variations you probably have seen them such as side planks, planks on a Bosu, with a stability ball, with weights on the back to increase the difficulty or with a suspension ...

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Cheers to Romana, My Mentor

I started my Pilates Journey in London England with a brilliant teacher named Peter Curtis at Laban Centre. As a young, injured dancer Pilates became my drug of choice. I took class everyday. I heard the stories about Joe Pilates in England and yes even across the pond they talked about Romana.

When I returned to the States I started studying under Pilates elder Mary Bowen and got my first certification from Physicalmind Institute. I heard the name Romana again. At ...

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Cheers to My Mentor, Romana

I started my Pilates Journey in London England with a brilliant teacher named Peter Curtis at Laban Centre. As a young, injured dancer Pilates became my drug of choice. I took class everyday. I heard the stories about Joe Pilates in England and yes even across the pond they talked about Romana.

When I returned to the States I started studying under Pilates elder Mary Bowen and got my first certification from Physicalmind Institute. I heard the name Romana again. At ...

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